Statistics for sport climbs with Danielle O'Donnol at Red Rocks:

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Date Rating Comments
Panty Prow
Calico Hills
Sun, Mar 23
5.6 ** Danielle was too worn out to do another long climb (and long hike) today, and she wanted to get some more experience leading (maybe even do her first trad lead), so we went to… more
Panty Mime
Calico Hills
Sun, Mar 23
5.10d ** This was a great slab climb, but it actually had holds! At Joshua Tree it probably would have been .10a, maybe .10b at the most, and probably would have had 3 bolts instead of 6.
Boxer Rebellion
Calico Hills
Sun, Mar 23
5.7 * Danielle led this with no problems. It felt pretty easy to me, but others were saying it felt harder than 5.7, and apparently an older guidebook calls it 5.8.
The Last Panty
Calico Hills
Sun, Mar 23
5.7 This was another easy sport route for Danielle to lead, and she did just fine with it, but she was pretty tired.