Statistics for toprope climbs at Joshua Tree:

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Date Rating Comments
The Importance of Being Ernest
Lost Horse
Sat, Oct 22
5.10c PG-13 *** The rap anchors we used were right at the top of this climb, and we wanted to try it, but knew it was hard and had sketchy pro, so after taking a look at the route on our rappel,… more
The Irritators
Lost Horse
Sun, Nov 20
5.7/8 PG A very talkative guy we met up with at Playhouse Rock claimed this was a 5.9 top-rope that would be too runout at the top to lead. I top-roped it, and found the last part slightly… more
Final Act
Lost Horse
Sun, Nov 20
5.4 I found this easy and fun, but it gave everyone difficulty just because it was a crack. Before we did it, the talkative guy commented that it was “5.4, but tricky!” Maybe this… more
Lewd and Lascivious Conduct
Lost Horse
Sun, Jan 29
5.10c R * Fun, and not too hard for 10c, but I don't think I'd want to lead it. I climbed it first, then belayed Aaron up. Neither of us fell, but still, there's a long section in the middle… more
Equinox (Just worked on it...)
Geology Tour Road
Sun, Feb 12
5.12c ***** This was freakin' hard man! We just went up to toprope this thing and see how bad it really was. And yeah, it was as bad as we expected. We had to wait in line a little bit, so we… more
Mama Woolsey
Hidden Valley Campground
Sat, Feb 3
5.10a R * This was pretty fun, and really felt soft for a J-Tree 10a slab. I'd definitely consider leading it.
South Buttress (First ~30 feet)
Indian Cove
Sat, Mar 3
5.7 * When Danielle and I arrived at Erica's campsite, she had set up a top-rope on the initial 30-foot section of this route, and she and her friends were taking turns top-roping it.… more
Flare Play
Indian Cove
Sat, Mar 3
5.10b ** Erica's boyfriend Dave and his friend Kyle had set up a top-rope on this, so I took a lap up it. I had led it about two years earlier and fell a couple of times at one point… more
Time and a Half
The Outback
Sun, Feb 14
5.10d * We decided to toprope this since we already had an anchor set up above it, and it was too late in the day to go climb something anywhere else. Although it has apparently been led,… more
Let's Get Horizontal
The Outback
Sat, Oct 16
5.11b **
Halfway To Paradise
Echo Rock Area
Sat, Nov 27
5.10a ***