Statistics for sport climbs with Danielle O'Donnol at Joshua Tree:

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Date Rating Comments
Silent Scream
Indian Cove
Sun, Nov 26
5.10a *** Ironically, just as Aaron had unexpectedly done the first time we climbed this route, I took a lead fall on this. Especially odd since I had followed it clean the first time. I… more
Sig Alert
Lost Horse
Sun, Nov 4
5.10b/c *** This was a really fun mostly-sport route. I clipped a fixed nut at the beginning and placed a small nut in the middle of the long (but easier) run-out at the end, but otherwise it… more
Shaking Like a Leaf
Jumbo Rocks
Sat, Feb 28
5.8 ** This was okay, but way too short, and pretty soft for 5.8. Not worth the hike.
Chimps and Cheetahs
Jumbo Rocks
Sat, Feb 28
5.9 * This was more interesting, and was actually tricky at the bottom, especially considering that to avoid a nasty fall before clipping the first bolt, I had to start on the slab to… more